‘Possessions’ Jomi Kim solo exhibition


English follows
‘Possessions’  Jomi Kim solo exhibition  11月27日(月)~12月9日(土)
15:00~20:00 最終日~18:00 12月4日(月)休廊 
レセプション 12月2日(土)17:30~
今回のテーマのPossessionsは、モチーフは全て財産や資産(Possessions) を象徴する豪華なものばかりです。人は物は所有できてもそこにある美しさそのものは所有できないものであり、心はそれらによってむしろ所有され占領され続けるのかもしれません。


インディペンデントキュレーター 太田エマ (2012年「Here and there」Art Lab AKIBAの批評より抜粋)
Jomi Kim
1976      born in Hyogo, Japan
2000      Nottingham Trent University BA Fine Art, UK
2006      Central Saint Martins college of arts and Design MA Fine Art, UK

Solo exhibitions
2007      Pre-Fab, Ginza Art Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan
2009      Mythology, Port Gallery T, Osaka, Japan
2011      ephemera, Port Gallery T, Osaka, Japan
             Ephemera, Art Lab Akiba, Tokyo, Japan
2012      Here and there, Art Lab Akiba, Tokyo, Japan
             out of focus, Port Gallery T, Osaka, Japan
2013      Temporary Contemporary, Shiseido gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2015  VOCA賞展 上野の森美術館
2013       Shiseido Art Egg7
2013       RokkoMeets Art-Hakone Sculptural Park award

‘Possessions’  Jomi Kim solo exhibition  Nov.27~Dec.9
15:00~20:00 Last day~18:00 Closed on Dec.4.mon
Reseption:Dec.2.sat. 17:30~
The theme of the show, ‘Possessions’ implies fortune and prosperity   through all motives showcasing images of luxury. 
People can possess objects but never gain beauty itself from them, on the contrary our hearts would have been possessed and occupied by them perpetually .   
The truth may be ‘possessions‘ exist only in our mind.
Jomi Kim
《About Jomi Kim’s installation》
 (From text for  ”Here and there” Art Lab Akiba, 2012)
Independent curator 
Ema Ota
-------In Jomi Kim's installation we return to a naive wonder at the hidden riches carried by the earth. And here again the sense of adventure and discovery is reawakened, traversing a terrain laden with an emerging presence.
-------And what is her treasure? Not the splinters of a past domesticity, but the evolving forms of aluminum foil. A rather functional substance, which pervades our everyday, a protective film to preserve its contents, yet once removed becoming useless.
-------- In Kim's installation this everyday material is again transformed to its former richness. In an alchemic process a familiar substance is purified to a remarkable phenomenon and we are confronted by the possibility of a radical new value in what is usually considered to be simply disposable. Here aluminum is returned to its original worth. It is also returned to its original state. In its common use in everyday life this material is seemingly manmade, molded into the various vessels from aircraft to packaging, yet this metal is an element, a naturally occurring substance to be found within nature, a part of nature. Here in this installation we are reminded of these origins as the material seemingly emerges from or returns to the earth in a simultaneous unfurling diffusion and drawing convergence. 
--------The malleable shape shifting of this kitchen foil further invests the sense of movement and growth, as if living forms propagating through the dark wet soil, from which they rise in a cascade of reflections from their shined surfaces, a play of light in which one moment they are the dull featureless detritus of our continuous consumption, the next the radiant treasures of another world. This paradox, this transitive state, this revisioning of the inconsequential, this digging the ground, this uncovering of that hidden from the human eye, this is perhaps what may be identified as a fundamental essence of art. Kim's installation is therefore an invitation to unearth a process of metamorphosis, to trace of a journey, to open up a new story and to be caught by the element of surprise.

Jomi Kim
1976      born in Hyogo, Japan
2000      Nottingham Trent University BA Fine Art, UK
2006      Central Saint Martins college of arts and Design MA Fine Art, UK

Solo exhibitions
2007      Pre-Fab, Ginza Art Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan
2009      Mythology, Port Gallery T, Osaka, Japan
2011      ephemera, Port Gallery T, Osaka, Japan
             Ephemera, Art Lab Akiba, Tokyo, Japan
2012      Here and there, Art Lab Akiba, Tokyo, Japan
             out of focus, Port Gallery T, Osaka, Japan
2013      Temporary Contemporary, Shiseido gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2015  VOCA prize exhibition, Ueno no mori museum 
2013       Shiseido Art Egg7
2013       RokkoMeets Art-Hakone Sculptural Park award