Spiritual Legacy/ Mike Saijo



Spiritual Legacy Series (ink, digital print on wood) 2018


Dream Deferred: Intersection of the Jewish, Japanese, and Mexican Histories Face of WW2


Homeboy Industries – Tattoos on the Heart Portrait Series

English follows

Spiritual Legacy/ Mike Saijo 
2018/11/15(Thu)-11/24(Sat) closed Mon, Tue, Wed.
Reception: 11/17(Sat) 6:00pm- 

助成:Little Tokyo Histrical Soceiety, Chikashi Tanaka Photo Estate






スピリチュアル・レガシー展は、ロサンゼルスから台湾の高雄まで、次いで東京に移動します。これは、リトル東京史協会とChikashi Tanaka写真館の寛大な支援によって可能になりました。

I would like to inform a show at Art Lab Akiba/Tokyo where I am one of direction the member of the space. We invite 
We invite a Japanese American artist Mr. Mike Saijo from Los Angels.
The Spiritual Legacy is a series of photographic images from 1910-1920s of the Japanese American Community in Los Angeles, California. Images derived from glass plate negatives found stored in a garage for 100 years, taken by Chikashi Tanaka. A professional photographer who had a studio in Little Tokyo. Chikashi Tanaka’s uncle, Gi’Ichi Tanaka was the founder of Union Church of Los Angeles which served as a cornerstone for the Japanese community.
The concept for this piece is about reconstructing memory of the Issei Pioneers Japanese immigrating to the Wild West. Los Angeles, California (establishing businesses, creating a family, forming cultural and religious institutions, a community). And taking an anthropological historical perspective approach, layering my mother’s handwriting (in Japanese and English) of cultural sentiments, poetics, feelings, or fictional notes that serve as an entry point to the picture.
The original glass plates were stored in a cardboard box for over 100 years, it was rejected by museums due to their weathered condition. Over 200 negatives were digitally inverted and printed to reveal a glimpse into world of immigrant life as various industries were being developed and communities formed. All before Japanese Americans were incarcerated to internment camp during WW2.
The Spiritual Legacy Exhibit travels from Los Angeles to Kaohsuing, Taiwan and then to Tokyo, Japan. This was made possible by the generous support of the Little Tokyo Historical Society and the Chikashi Tanaka Photography Estate.