Keiko Kamma  solo show@Art Lab AKIBA 《UNTITLED》





Keiko Kamma  solo show@Art Lab AKIBA
2022/5/18 wed.~5/28 sat.
Last day  ~ 18:00
5/23 mon. 休廊 close

(English follows)
Keiko Kammaの《UNTITLED》は、壁にプロジェクションされた「text」の文字と、脈絡なく放置されたように置かれた数点のペインティングからなるシンプルなインスタレーション。 「text」の文字はゆっくりと手触れ映像のように動いておリ、じっと見ていると眩暈を起こしそうになる。 私がここで提供しているのは、鑑賞者の絶対的な優位と自由だ。タイトルも説明のテキストもないこの場で、‘他者の物語‘の強制から自由になってイメージと戯れて欲しい。 WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU WANT TO SEE. あなたが見ているものとは、つまりはあなたが見たいもの。あなたが‘見る’ものは、あなたの中に蓄積された内的観念や価値の体系を映し出す鏡となっているのだから。

Keiko Kamma
インスタレーションやパフォーマンス、写真、絵画、映像などで制作。欧米、アフリカ、アジアで のアート・フェスティバル等に出品。日常の中で捉えた「アート」を感じさせる瞬間をカメラによ って 切 り 取 る コンセプチュアル な「 ’Ready-Made’Phenomena」シリーズ のほか、 具象 と 抽象 の キ ワをゆく絵画も。京都の寺や奈良の平城宮跡で野外展示。 2019年、ペンシルベニアのイーストンで 2人展 (IF Museum)。 2020年東京都の「アートにエール を」企画にサウンド +映像 +ライブペインティング作品「 BEYOND COVID-19」が選出された https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVZHoez3V2U)。 2021年東京ビエンナーレ「優美堂再生プロジェクト・にくいほどやさしい千の窓展」出品。 サ イトhttps://www.kammartist.com

Keiko Kamma's "UNTITLED" exhibition is a simple installation consists of a word "text" projected on the wall and some paintings placed without any connection to each other. The word "text" moves slowly like a shaken image, which might make you feel dizzy. What I present here is your absolute superiority and freedom. I want you to play with the images exhibited here with no title or no explanation text, being free from the coercion of 'THEIR STORY'. What you see is what you want to see. What you 'see' would be a mirror that reflects your internal ideas and your inner systems of values. (Google translation)

Kamma studied comparative culture, graduating from the literature department of Seikei University, Tokyo. She started her career as a painter in the late 80’s and was awarded the Yasuda Kasai Art Foundation Prize as well as the L’OEil prize from L’OEil French art magazine. She moved over to contemporary art in the early 90’s by presenting a conceptual photograph series of ‘Ready-Made’ Phenomena, in which she captures on the streets of New York, Paris, Berlin, London, Venice, Montreal, Seoul, Shanghai and Tokyo ARTISTIC and ART-LIKE phenomena that recall to her abstract expression or contemporary art, using a ‘CUT-UP’ photograph technique, to present “art that already existing within the mind”. The subject matter of “art existing as a phenomenon without the need of creation” has formed the foundation of her art work since then. She has developed her artistic expression mainly through installation and performance and has participated in many art and performance festivals held in France, Italy, Canada, USA and Japan since 1997. In the “Mirage project”, initiated in 1997, a consistent state of “abandonment” is exhibited. Here the exhibited objects, including goods, texts, sounds and images appear seemingly unrelated to each other, yet function as a form of mirror reflecting the audience’s internal thought, creating a new poetic association between each fragment through the consciousness of the audience. This work is exhibited as an installation, yet Kamma refers to its form as ‘material poetry’. Her selected works and exhibitions include “Tsuki - The Moon” (UK-Japan Project, Kodai-ji temple, Kyoto, 2008), “Non/Appearance” (Dada Docot / Philippines + Keiko Kamma. The exhibition presented the collaborative video by the two artists between Manila and Tokyo through the internet. Ginza Art Lab. Tokyo, 2009), “GIRLY 2010” (Kawasaki City Museum. Kawasaki, 2010), The UK-Japan project, “Between time and space” (Commemorative Exhibition of the 1300th Anniversary of Nara Heijo-kyo Capital, Heijo Palace Site, Nara, 2010), “Nara Art Bridge” (Curator and participant. Daijo-in Temple Garden Public Space, Nara Prefecture Cultural Hall, Nara, 2010), “Agua de Beber” (performance. Shinko Pier Exhibition Hall / Yokohama Triennale : special associated program, “Inter Azioni XXIV” / Festival Internazionale di Perfomance Arts, Videoarte e Installazioni, Sardegna, Italy, 2011), “CON・PER・CEPTUAL” (Curator and participant. Art Lab. AKIBA, Tokyo, 2011, 2012), “’Ready-Made’ Phenomena” (solo. Art Lab. TOKYO, Tokyo, 2012) and “The Invisible Realms” (solo, Art Lab.AKIBA, Tokyo, 2013), Ravi Festival (Art Performance Festival at Yaunde, Cameroon. 2014), ANDY WARHOL INSPIRED EXHIBITION (ITOCHU AOYAMA ART SQUARE, Tokyo, 2014), JUXTAPOSITION (Kentaro Chiba+Keiko Kamma, Art Lab AKIBA, 2016), “Living Life” (gallery ZEIN XENO, Seoul, Korea 2017), “Mustanglers”(Hhikarie CUBE 1, 2, 3, Tokyo, 2017), 'Abandoned Desire Fetishism'(solo, Art Lab TOKYO, 2018), “VU ! ” Exhibition (CUBE 1, 2, 3, Tokyo, 2019), "BEYOND COVID-19(sound+video+live painting)"(selected for “Support Program for Arts and Culture”by Tokyo Metropolitan Government 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVZHoez3V2U). Tokyo Biennale 2020/2021) https://www.kammartist.com