Uni Aoi solo show この未来は、あのとき選べなかったかもしれない。
15:00~20:00 最終日~18:00
休廊日 8月14日(月)
【あおいうに 略歴】 1991 茨城県に生まれる 2016 東京芸術大学美術学部絵画科油画専攻 卒業 2018 Art Lab Tokyoに所属
【受賞歴】 2012 ポコラート全国公募 入選 2014 ACTアート大賞展2014 優秀賞 2014 GEISAI#20 ポイントランキング9位 2015 ACTアート大賞展2015 優秀賞 2015 ターナーアワード2015 未来賞
【メディア出演歴】 2014「現代美術史日本篇」(中ザワヒデキ著)
ABEMA Prime(2016年10月27日、ABEMA)
ブレイク前夜 ~次世代の芸術家たち~(2017年5月2日、BSフジ)
ノブナカなんなん?( 2021年7月3日、テレビ朝日)
Uni Aoi, a game maniac, says that there are many "stacking games" that she has bought but has not played. The game has a "common route" where you can play with a general view of the world, and an "individual route" where you can make countless choices. It is said that making a wrong choice here will result in a bad ending.
Therefore, in order to envision possible alternatives, Uni created a new work in the form of a diary as if looking back on her past self. Through the work, I look back on what happened at the turning point of her life and what is connected to the present, and think about the future from here.
"A solo exhibition about the past, the future, and choices in life. What did you think when you had sex for the first time? I prayed to 'Father' in fear of depravity. I joined the Unification Church. 0 years old, bullied and hooked on erogame at 12 years old, developmental disorder discovered at 18 years old, admission to Tokyo University of the Arts at 20 years old, launching Mental helth Exhibition at 22 years old, thinking about masochism, love and violence for 32 years. Let's love all those pasts and move forward. Uni Aoi's 8th solo exhibition. I will exhibit my life."Uni Aoi